Chords – Nee Maathram Mathi

  My mother tongue is Malayalam, and there are many superb Malayalam Christian devotional songs composed over the decades. This post is about one particular song that I learnt a long time ago. At our youth group in college, we used to sing this song in English, Malayalam, Hindi, Naga and even ...

Find the chords played in a song automatically

Have you ever wanted to find out the chords played in a song, but couldn’t because it’s not a famous song or nobody has put them up on the internet or its in a different language? I have a decent sized mp3 collection and ever since I picked up the guitar, I have been hunting for chords for many ...

Quality Music for free

Some sites that I have found recently where you can get free and legal christian music .... not just from upcoming bands but from top artists too!Fire Fighters For Christ (FFFC) Recent Rainfall Living Sacrifice by